Virtualitics, a leader in AI decision intelligence applications, has officially announced the renewal of its Automated Master Storage Planning (A-MSP) contract with the United States Air Force (USAF).
According to certain reports, this renewal arrives as a part of a Phase III Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award. In case you weren’t aware, the stated Phase III designation actually happens to indicate that an A-MSP solution is now ready to move past R&D stage, and therefore, enter full operational deployment.
As for Virtualitics, it was able to achieve the same by working alongside USAF consistently to scale up the latter’s readiness posture. This the company achieved, on a more granular level, by optimizing munitions storage operations with advanced artificial intelligence and data-driven analytics. An example relaying the same is rooted in its deployment on ADVANA, the DoD’s premier data and analytics platform, where the solution has been a critical milestone, as it has shown to empower enhanced decision-making capabilities throughout the sustainment community.
Talk about Virtualitics’ A-MSP solution, it arrived as a part of the company’s Integrated Readiness Optimization (IRO) Materiel product suite which, on its part, has been designed to maximize inventory storage and movement under stringent warehousing and safety constraints. More on Virtualitics’ A-MSP solution would reveal how it is well-equipped to cut down rather significantly upon the time required for munitions personnel to respond against operational requirements. Furthermore, it can shrink the potential for human-error in complex calculations so to enhance the organization’s safety posture. Such a setup, like you can guess, makes the solution an ideal partner in various mission-critical scenarios.
“Our continued partnership with the USAF through this additional Phase III SBIR award underscores the significant operational value our Integrated Readiness Optimization suite & A-MSP solution delivers to the warfighter,” said Rob Bocek, President of Public Sector at Virtualitics. “Moving into this phase of commercialization allows us to expand the deployment of A-MSP to operational units across the globe, while ensuring the USAF employs the most cutting edge AI solutions needed to optimize munitions assembly, restoring, and warehousing operations in a safe and efficient manner.”
Now, while securing the Phase III SBIR award does ensure a transition from the initial R&D and testing into broader operational deployment, it also allows the relevant personnel to generate optimized plans in minutes, compared to the hours or days typically required by manual processes. Beyond that, we referred to the solution’s ability when it comes to reducing human error, but what we haven’t mentioned yet is how the technology in question can also provide near real-time visibility into evolving munitions stockpiles to help USAF optimize the use of existing infrastructure, or apply the results to justify storage resource requirements.
“A-MSP utilizes a state-of-the-art AI-based constraint solver to generate movement and storage plans that are optimized to consolidate munitions, unlock storage space and enhance accessibility,” said Dr. Sagar Indurkhya, Head of AI Innovation at Virtualitics. “Safety is a critical priority, and to that end, A-MSP validates compliance of output movement and storage plans with safety and storage constraints, highlights potential violations, and then recommends adjustments to adhere with constraints. As we look to expand across the enterprise, we’ve engineered A-MSP with a flexible architecture that readily facilitates the incorporation of additional constraints and optimization priorities as required.”